Hundreds of Middle School Students Brave The Cold to March For Bible in The Schools


bluefield students marchThis past week, hundreds of sixth grade student at the Glenwood School did what many would consider to be unthinkable. They assembled together on a chilly morning to march for Bible classes in their school.

Mercer County has offered Bible class as an elective course for over 75 years. No public funds were spent for the program. Local churches, private contributors and fundraising activities had provided the funds necessary to offer the elective. This year, it’s estimated that the cost of the program is in excess of $400,000.

“This is the first time in more than 15 years that we have had a walk, I had Bible class when I was a student in Montcalm. It has inspired me to work in the program as an adult. Some kids don’t get to learn anything about the Bible with out it.” Lisa Pruett (mother of one of the walkers) commented

“I am definitely overwhelmed by the turnout,” Terri Carr, co-chair of the Bible class committee remarked. “I knew it was going to be a good response, but this is amazing. It’s really great to see the whole community come out to support this program.”

Do you think the Bible classes should remain as an elective to Middle School students?




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