Doctors Are Amazed When Boy Regains Pulse After His Mother Prays


john-smith-comes-back-to-lifeSt. Louis doctors have just witnessed one of the most incredible things in medical history. A 14-year-old boy came back to life after being dead for over 45 minutes.

John Smith fell into a lake and was trapped underwater for 15 minutes, when he was dragged out of the water he had no pulse, a medical team then performed CPR for over 30 minutes, after which he was pronounced dead. The boy’s mother then came in to say her goodbyes. As soon as she entered his room, she began to pray out loud and ask Jesus to bring her son back to life.

That’s when doctors say Smith’s heart started to beat again;

“She started praying loudly,” says Dr. Sutterer.

“I don’t remember what all I said,” recalls John’s mother, Joyce Smith. “But I remember, ‘Holy God, please send your Holy Spirit to save my son. I want my son, please save him.’ And they hadn’t been getting a pulse at that time, so all of a sudden I heard them saying, ‘We got a pulse, we got a pulse.'”

“Within a matter of a minute or two, his heart started again,” says Dr. Sutterer.

It’s an experience that’s shaken many of those in the emergency room that day. This veteran of responding to medical crisis wrote a letter about it as a way to cope.

“His heart was jump started by the Holy Spirit listening to the request of his praying mother,” reads Dr. Sutterer, from the letter he wrote.

Dr. Jeremy Garrett who oversaw John’s recovery even goes a step further. “It’s a bonafide miracle….”

….read more from KSDK


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