Incubus and Deftones Picked Tampa To Headline Their National Tour


tampa fl ampitheaterThis weekend, 2 of the biggest alternative rock bands in the world are descending on Tampa. Incubus and The Deftones have teamed up for their first co-headlining tour in US history.

They will be playing together this coming Sunday at the MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre At The Florida State Fairgrounds (formerly Live Nation Amphitheatre).

It’s interesting that in 2000, Deftones launched their major U.S. tour to promote their new album, White Pony, and they brought along Incubus as an opening act. Now, a decade and a half later, Deftones and Incubus are touring together again, this time as co-headliners.

Here is Incubus in action;

and The Deftones;

This weekend’s show will undoubtedly be one of the biggest shows in Tampa this summer.

If you’d like to find out more information or for tickets click here.

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