Albany Approves New Law To Give Free Housing to Homeless Veterans


albany-now-housing-homeless-veteransAlbany has just passed a historic new resolution that will help to build permanent housing for homeless veterans throughout Albany county.

Many supporters of veterans and the homeless rallied outside of the Albany court building as legislators debated Resolution 263, a necessary step for Soldier On’s efforts to build permanent housing for local veterans who return to, or are currently living in the greater Albany area without physical housing.

Although Albany County will lead the environmental studies and other initial phases of development for future projects, everything will be paid for by the Soldier On organization.

The first housing project that will now be started is a former county nursing home located near Albany International Airport. The property will be redeveloped into limited-equity housing for formerly homeless veterans and could contain additional services including a vocational education program for veterans returning from active duty.

Albany County Executive Dan McCoy commented that his office is committed to making Soldier On housing a permanent housing resource throughout in Albany County.

