Top 10 Back to The Future Technologies That Became Reality


Back to The Future day is here! In the movie, the day they traveled to in the future was October 21st, 2015, and when they arrived, the technology seemed incredibly futuristic (for the 80s). Surprisingly, most of the predictions that the movie made about the future have already come true.

Here are the top 10 imaginary products the movie predicted that are now a reality;

#1 Hoverboards

It’s the one item that every kid who’s watched Back to the Future II has since dreamed of owning, and although you’re unlikely to see one on the streets any time soon, the hoverboard does now exist.

Japanese car giants Lexus and a Californian company funded by Kickstarter have both recently unveiled prototypes for a rideable anti-gravity board, with the latter expected to present the first 11 purchases today.

#2 Drones

back to the future predictionsIn the movie, a Drone-like device is seen walking a dog, and the modern day version of this can be seen in the video above. The other drone in the movie can be seen when a USA Today gadget takes a photo of Griff and his gang after their arrest.

Today, both dog-walking drones, delivery drones, and especially photojournalism and surveillance drones have become almost commonplace in our culture.

#3 Videoconferencing

back to the future predictions2Modern day ‘Video Conferencing’ is now everywhere, from Skype, to Facetime, to Google Hangout – video chat services are now becoming a part of the everyday life.

When Back To The Future, Part II came out, however, these video phones were the stuff of fantasy, and in the case of future Marty, who gets fired via his own home phone/tv, the stuff of nightmares.


#4 Hands-Free Gaming

back to the future your hands

This might be the earliest adopted technology – only a decade or so after the movie came out, Nintendo and Sega were both marketing “hands-free” gaming devices.

In the Café 80s scene, a young Elijah Wood mocks Marty for using his hands to play an arcade game.

Although viewers don’t get to see the evidence, it’s implied that motion sensor gaming, similar to the Xbox 360 Kinect, has become all the rage.

Now almost every major gaming system has a hands-free version, and technology continues to improve, even to the point of mind-control devices.

#5 3D Movies

Back-to-the-Future-2-3D-Movie3D may have been around since the early 20th Century but had become virtually obsolete when Back to the Future II hit screens in 1989.

There might not have been another Jaws sequel, let alone another 15, but with the advent of 3D televisions and the revival of 3D cinema, one of the film’s most famous scenes undoubtedly foreshadowed the current three-dimensional boom.

#6 Flat Screen TVs

34-flatscreen-620x348TV sets used to be massive bulky things that would take up half the room, but director Robert Zemeckis cleverly predicted that wall-mounted flat screens would soon become the norm.

The movie also predicted flexible tv screens, which Samsung has also started to develop and marketing, with the first device with a curved screen being the Samsung Edge smartphone.

#7 Video Goggles

back to the future tech

Sitting on the living room sofa is still the most common way of enjoying a TV dinner.

But with the introduction of Google Glass and the recently unveiled Microsoft HoloLens, Marty Junior’s ‘video goggles at the kitchen table’ method is no longer seen as far-fetched.

This might actually be the most futuristic technology that has been accurately predicted from the movie.

#8 Biometric technology

back to the future biometricsMarty and Jennifer can both be seen using iris and thumbprint identification devices at their home.

This kind of technology has become a regular feature on smartphones and is also commonplace in high-security facilities such as banks and immigration inspection points.

Now people are even buying biometric encrypted front door locks that allow for easy entry with the swipe of your finger.

#9 Tablet Computers

back to the future tabletIn the movie, biometrics combine with tablet computers for most customer service tasks. Reminds me of how most local businesses now use iPads as checkout counters.

Specifically in the movie, Marty is asked to sign in order to help save the clock tower.

Now pretty much everyone is using these tablets for signing and checkouts, and now with Uber, taxi services have even surpassed Back To The Future will smartphone payments.

#10 Self-Tying Shoes

back to the future nikeOne of Nike’s most revolutionary shoe technologies in the past several decades is here, and it was directly inspired by the Back To THe Future movies.

The new Nike Mags are fully self-tying shoes that will no doubt become a must-have item when they eventually hit the shelves.

Tinker Hatfield, the man who designed Marty’s Nike MAG originals, confirmed back in January that the company intend to release their ‘power laces’ by the end of this year.

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