Business Holiday Cards: 8 Best Practices


The holiday season is a time for family and loved ones but one cannot forget about colleagues, business partners and associates, office acquaintances, and workplace buddies. One of the best ways to impart your good wishes and/or affection is to send a holiday card. However, there is an unsaid business holiday card etiquette that you need to follow so use the following tips when sending out your well wishes this holiday season. 

  1. Physical Over Digital

Everyone in today’s world is glued to their phones and receiving hundreds of notifications, inboxes, and even emails daily. In the midst of this, a digital holiday card will go largely unnoticed and acknowledged but a physical holiday card will really stand out and enable you to be remembered. Research has shown that physical cards have a greater response rate and make the receiver feel warm and cared for. A digital card in comparison is low effort and for that reason doesn’t count as much. 

  1. The Magic Words

Businesses need to master techniques of employee retention and motivation and part of that is appreciating everything that the employees do year around. In terms of holiday cards, be sure to use warm, appreciative words and thank each employee personally for their efforts (don’t get any names mixed up and use an automatic generator or list) and that will go a long way. Furthermore, still, keep the content of the card formal and business-like and don’t add sentences like asking them over for dinner. Avoid casual slang. 

  1. Delegate The Cards

As a business owner or an employee, you may not have all the time to individually label each envelope and keep on top of the paperwork. Start at least 6 weeks or so before the card absolutely needs to be sent and get other people to help you out depending on how many receivers you have on your list. A card that is sent too late or irresponsibly mailed (entering the wrong address or not writing it clearly enough) is not going to be appreciated by anyone. Wherever possible print the address and name to stick on the envelope instead of handwriting it. 

  1. Industry Specific

Having industry-themed cards like trucking Christmas cards for example are a brilliant idea because they reinforce the team and employee morale and make them feel part of a valued group within a certain profession. You can take a slightly good-humored view of it as well by having a small joke on the cover. 

  1. Use Links

Business holiday cards can be a good opportunity to inform employees about any perks they may have coming up or even to personally inform them of a promotion etc. This of course will vary from person to person and will require specificity to avoid errors. Using the card to direct the receiver onto a custom landing page made by the business is also a good idea and you can make it easier by printing a scannable barcode. 

  1. Don’t Ask Questions

A business holiday card is to spread goodwill so be sure to not include questions. It is also important to not mention tasks on the card or demand RSVPs or callbacks. Keep the card message simple and kind and don’t use it to remind anyone of their duties or use it as an opportunity to delegate any work assignments. The only kind of questions that would be acceptable etiquette-wise would be motivated-related (you can add a questionnaire to this effect). 

  1. All Or None

A business runs smoothly as a combination of everyone’s efforts. Include everyone on the holiday card list including junior employees so that you can cultivate a positive environment that people are happy to work in. It is usually small gestures that massively affect productivity and motivation in an organization so don’t underestimate the power of a well-written physically delivered holiday card that brightens up someone’s day even if they’re mostly doing repairs over the holiday season or working on DIY projects like making a river table with deep pour resin epoxy. 

  1. Accompanying Emails

Whether you’re sending physical holiday cards to valued, regular customers or to employees you can always throw in an accompanying email to ask whether they received the card (however don’t demand an answer). In terms of cards sent to customers, there is research to support that customer retention is boosted by offers and information they receive consistently through multiple channels such as through social media or traditional marketing methods like billboards or mail. 

