Cockroach Infestation Shuts Down High-End 30A Establishment


A high-end restaurant in 30A’s popular Rosemary Beach community has just been shut down by the local health inspector due to a cockroach infestation.

According to Walton County Health Dept., the Havana Beach Club, located at The Pearl hotel, was shut down after failing numerous items on their inspection report, the worst being a widespread cockroaches in the kitchen and dining area.

During the inspection, 3 live roaches were found under the dish machine, 1 was found in the waitress station, 10 were found in the cook line, and 24 others were found in the kitchen cooler. According to Walton County, live roaches are considered a high-priority violation.

The inspection also discovered a broken dishwasher, raw and undercooked food being offered without an advisory and black/green mold in the ice machine, and a damaged cutting board.

The restaurant, located at 63 Main St. in Rosemary Beach, will now have the opportunity for a re-inspection after the health violations are corrected.

