Friday The 13th ‘Honey-Moon’ To Occur For First Time in Almost a Century


honeymoonToday is Friday the 13th, and tonight there will be one of the most specatcular full moons ever seen. Tonight there will be an incredible ‘honey moon’, a champagne-colored full moon will appear in the sky, this celestial event that has not occurred in almost a century.

To see this rare event, all you need to do is look up at sky sometime after sunset. And if you check it out at exactly 9:11 p.m. PDT, you’ll be able to see the honey moon at its very fullest.

June’s full moon is called the honey moon because it is the one most likely to glow yellow throughout the night.

The “Honey Moon,” as the June full moon is known, fell on the unlucky day for the last time in 1919.

If you want more details and even a scientific commentary on tonight’s event, you can watch its newest appearance on this live stream provided by Slooh, starting Thursday at 9:00 pm EDT. The 2 hour long live stream  from the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands and the Pontificia Universidad Católica De Chile, will be accompanied by comments from astronomer Bob Berman.

