New Parents Start College Fund To Pay For 10 Weeks of College


free-hidden-object-games-2TRENTON, NJ—In an effort to plan for their daughter’s future, local parents Jonathan and Kate Bradbury have shrewdly begun investing in a college fund that will pay for an estimated 10 weeks of their child’s education, the couple confirmed Friday. “As soon as Ashley was born, we started putting aside a little money each week just to make sure that when the time comes, we’ll almost be able to cover her first semester of freshman year,” Kate Bradbury told reporters of the plan that will help offset over two months of room and board, the most basic meal plan, and four total textbooks. “It’s just a small amount out of our paychecks, but it adds up. And it’s worth it to have the ease of mind that comes from knowing that, after inflation, we’ll be able to cover barely 8 percent of our little girl’s tuition as long as she takes the minimum course load and doesn’t do too many activities.” Bradbury added that she knew all of the scrimping and saving would ultimately pay off when she finally sees her college-educated daughter land a three-month unpaid internship.

