Popular New Grocery Delivery Service ‘Shipt’ Just Launched In Nashville


shipt grocery delivery serviceA popular new grocery delivery service called Shipt, which has already spread to Birmingham, Charlotte, Dallas, Tampa, Miami, Orlando, and Atlanta has just launched in Nashville.

The app-based company will allow customers to order any item from Publix and receive a personal delivery to their door within an hour. The company will initially be covering most of Nashville and Franklin.

Shipt members get unlimited deliveries for orders over $35 (for smaller orders, the delivery cost is $7.) Customers can buy memberships of $99 a year for unlimited deliveries, or a monthly fee of $14. Shipt is also offering a pre-launch price of $49 for a year-long membership.

The company will initially be hiring 300 shoppers, who will be contracted employees, similar to Uber drivers. They will make $15 to $20 for every order they deliver. You can now browse all contracted job openings around Nashville here.

Shipt initially started in Alabama after seeing the wild popularity of Amazon Prime Pantry grocery delivery service, which launched back in 2014.

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