St. Louis Officer Who Was Victim of Drive By Shooting Speaks Out: God Told Me To Put My Vest On


A St. Louis Police Officer was working an off-duty security job when four suspects in a car pulled up to his and suddenly opened fire. He said that moments before the incident, he heard God tell him to put on his bullet proof vest.

He has now spoke out for the first time on camera since the shooting, asking that his name not be used out of concern for the safety of his family;

After a long regular shift for the department, he started his side shift as a security guard. It as so hot outside that he decided to take off his bullet proof vest. At around 4:30 am, while sitting in his car, he noticed some individuals on the street.

“They were just walking. There was nothing particular about them but the hairs on my neck stood up,” he recalls. “And at that point there was a voice that told me grab my vest. I know it was God.” He put the vest back on and says the decision saved his life.

He believes they saw his police uniform and that is why they targeted him.

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