Syracuse Non-Profits Now Planning on Building Tiny Homes for The Homeless


tiny homes for homelessOperation Northern Comfort, has just partnered up with A Tiny Home for Good, to build tiny homes for the chronically homeless in Syracuse.

The two organizations will be relying heavily on volunteers around the Syracuse region to help construct the homes and work on the landscaping. They are using a model that has recently emerged in several cities, including Ithaca. Using donations and volunteers, the homes can be built for significantly less than what it costs to build low-income apartments.

A Tiny Home for Good estimates that it will cost around $20,000 to build each 250-square-foot cottage. By comparison, low-income apartments in the Syracuse region can cost well over $100,000 per unit to build.

They are currently seeking to acquire some vacant lots from Onondaga County in South Syracuse to build the first four units.

Once the lots are secured, construction teams will build two attached units on each lot. The homes will include kitchen facilities, a sleeping space, and an enclosed bathroom.



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