This Nashville Couple’s Heartwarming Story Of Survival Is Going Viral


10922665_469825006502908_3569948867700863676_nThis Nashville couple’s miraculous story of survival has just gained national attention after capturing hearts throughout our city.

Arika Stovall recently posted a photo and story to her facebook profile about how her and her boyfriend Hunter Hanks were driving home when their car crashed into the pillar of a bridge while they were going 85 mph.

Stovall says when she looked over at her boyfriend, she saw him with his “head through the windshield, a face full of blood, and a body that wasn’t moving.” Paramedics took the couple to the hospital after Hunter was “cut and lifted out of the truck” – Stovall’s expression of faith when the couple reunited was what truly made their story go viral.

Stovall says it’s a miracle she and Hunter somehow suffered no broken bones and no major injuries. Stovall gave credit to God and Hunter’s actions for their survival.

“We’re both already released from the hospital not even 48 hours after entering. All of our belongings in perfect condition besides a few things here and there..and the only thing left behind at the crash scene is Hunters bible open, with a page marked with scripture telling us to not be afraid; Jesus is with us.”

She ends her post by saying, “I want everyone to to know the love and the power of God. He has a purpose…and it’s so clear that NOTHING…not even a car accident like this one will cause his plans for you to change…”

Three seconds. That's how long we had from the moment we drifted off the road until the truck hit the pilar at 85mph. In…

Posted by Arika Stovall on 3 January 2016

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