2 Charleston Tech Startups Were Chosen To Meet At White House Along With Shark Tank Hosts


president-business eventTwo of Charleston’s fastest growing startups companies — Dynepic and Teamphoria — just visited the White House this week for a national U.S. entrepreneurship meeting.

Select business owners from many of the top startups around America were able to meet with President Barack Obama and investors from ABC’s “Shark Tank,” including Daymond John, Mark Cuban and Barbara Corcoran.

Business owners from 70 companies from around the country were in attendance.

Charleston’s Teamphoria develops apps geared toward making employees engaged, and James Island-based Dynepic works to tie together technology and toys “moving play beyond two dimensions,” according to its site.

This incredible event at the White House is clear proof that what Charleston’s “Harbor Entrepreneur Center’s accelerator program” is working (which both companies participated in).

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