South Carolina’s First Flu Death of 2023 Season Just Reported by SCDHEC


The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) has just announced our state just witnessed the first influenza-related fatality of the 2023 season.

“Although we are just entering the flu season, this is a sober reminder to us all that the flu is already here and that it can be deadly. Sadly, we see many deaths, hospitalizations and other serious complications of flu each year in our state,” Dr. Bell said in a press release. “The best way to prevent the flu is to get your shot early.”

DHEC and the CDC are now recommending that everyone over 6 months get a flu vaccine. Centers for Disease Control recommend everyone over 6 months of age get vaccinated against the flu.

Call 1-855-472-3432 or go to to make an appointment.

