Bold Nativity Scene On This Nashville Area McDonalds Just Went Viral


nashville nativety scene

Just south of downtown Nashville is a McDonald location that is fully embracing the Christmas season.

Amy Basel snapped a quick picture of it, posted it to her Facebook page, and then things started going crazy. The bold Nativity scene is painted onto the entire side of McDonalds with the words “His name is Jesus” and “Rejoice”.

nativity scene on mcdonaldsThe picture has already received over 84,000 likes, over 60,000 shares, and 5,000+ extremely negative and extremely positive comments. The description on her post read, “Drove by and did a double-take. Growing up in the mitten, you would NEVER see this. Tennessee McDonald’s…you made my day. ‘His name is Jesus.'”

Gina Wolfe and her husband Tony are the owners who painted the nativity scene, and they also own two other Spring Hill locations, as well as locations in Columbia and Mt. Pleasant.

The scene is now going viral, but the owners say it’s far from something new.

“It’s a family business which has been owned and operated by my family for 40 years. My dad started this 40 years ago when he had a local art student paint it on his store. My husband and I have been owners for 28 years and we’ve done this or something similar during Christmas each year. I guess with social media, it’s taken off,” Gina commented.

The Wolfe’s also have no intention of changing, as they’ve commented that the community has “embraced” their Christmas themes on the storefronts ever since it started: “We have so many people that tell us it really kicks off the season for them when they see it on our stores. We are so pleased people enjoy it.”

“It’s just an amazing place to live no matter what part of town you choose. It’s all about the community,” she said.

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