Miley Cyrus Fight With Porn Star Ron Jeremy Hoax


miley-cyrus-fight-with-porn-star-ron-jeremy-hoaxMiley Cyrus was not kicked out of a derby party and she certainly never fought with porn star Ron Jeremy…not even close. This is another fake story by another “” want-to-be site,…

Empire sports recently claimed that;

“On the first Saturday in May each year, celebrities gather at historic Churchill Downs in the heart of a town not normally associated with the glitz and glamour, and sometimes drama, of celebrity life.

Following the event many celebs find their way to the local pub and clubs to partake in the many post-Derby festivities around town…

While most remain uneventful, some patrons at a strip club on Preston Hwy in Louisville called Trixies got a taste of celebrity drama as a verbal fight between pop celeb Miley Cyrus and porn star Ron Jeremy ended with Cyrus being escorted out of the club…”

Again, this is not even remotely true true, Miley Cyrus was not kicked out of a derby party and she certainly did not fight with porn star Ron Jeremy. Miley isn’t the smartest person out there, but she’s not a complete idiot…

