22-year-old Matt Diaz Loses 270 Pounds And Shares Urgent Message About Body Image


22-year-old Matt Diaz lost a record amount of weight over the past several years and has just bravely revealed his excess skin in this video to spark an important discussion about body image;

On Monday, the 22-year-old, who at his heaviest weighed 495 pounds, bared his chest — and his soul on Tumblr.

“This is what 270 pounds of excess skin looks like, and there’s nothing I can do about it,” he said in a video, which immediately gained attention from tens of thousands of people.

22-year-old Matt Diaz loses 270 pounds

Matt now has a GoFundMe page where he comments, “From the age of 16, I’ve lost around 270 pounds, total. I weighed 497 pounds at my heaviest weight.”

His page is for cosmetic surgery to remove the excess skin, and he has already blown past his initial goal of $20,000 (currently over $48,000 has been raised). Diaz is in the process of finding a cosmetic surgeon, and expects to have his surgery finished in time to hit the beach for summer.

Please share if you think Matt (and all people) are beautiful; 


