Bakersfield Man High On Meth Climbs Pole and Threatens Local Police


If you thought you’ve heard it all, think again.

bakersfield-man-on-power-poleA local Bakersfield man has just been arrested after a 5 day meth high climbed to the top of a power pole and started to threaten police with a knife.

The man climbed about 20 feet up a pole located just north of the Mt. Vernon Ave. Rite Aid store. After police and PG&E officials arrived on the scene, they were able to shut down the power to the pole. Police then set up a ladder against the pole and the man eventually came down after several hours of negotiations.

The man was then transported to the Kern Medical Center for a 72-hour psychiatric evaluation.

The incident left over 100 people and businesses in the area without power.

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