Kansas City Boy Turns In $10k He Discovered Then Receives $10k Reward


A young boy named Tyler Schaefer just discovered $10,000 in a drawer at a Kansas City hotel. He found hundreds of neatly stacked bills Saturday in the room where he and his father, Cody Schaefer, were staying near the Kansas City airport, The Kansas City Star reported.

Cody Schaefer is a truck driver and mechanic from Rapid City, S.D., he meets his former wife in Kansas City every year to take his three children on an annual summer vacation.

Cody Schaefer said after they checked into their room Saturday, Tyler began opening all the drawers, and it wasn’t too long before Tyler announced: “I found money!”

boy-finds-10k-rewardSchaefer thought maybe his son had found a forgotten $10 bill, but when he looked closer he saw the stack of bills totaling $10,000. He wondered if the bills were fake, but saw they had the appropriate watermarks and seemed legitimate.

Cody told his son they couldn’t keep the cash because they didn’t know who it belonged to. They handed the money over to two off-duty police officers working security at the hotel. The officers contacted Sgt. Randy Francis, a property and evidence supervisor, who stored the cash at a police facility.

Tylerand his dad had basically given up hope that they might see any reward, they thought without a doubt that they had failed to follow the  state law in regards to how found property has to be handled.

However, they were shocked to find out that after no one claimed the cash that they found, the Missouri Treasurer Clint Zweifel sent a letter to the Kansas City Police Department, giving the Schaefers the right to the cash.

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