Charleston Area Pastor Defies Cop’s Orders To Save A Floating Casket In Flood


charleston area pastor rescues casketA pastor just north of Charleston defied deputy’s orders by risking his life to retrieve a floating casket in the historic South Carolina floodwaters.

After the Dorchester County sheriff’s deputy told him not to do it, Pastor Wayne Reeves replied, “that’s not who we are, this is America, and we’re not like that.”

He initially spotted the casket began floating away from the cemetery of New Canaan Methodist Church, a sister church of New Life Ministries, where Reeves pastors.

“I waited all day, and nobody did anything, so I decided, out of respect for this family, I would do whatever’s necessary,” Reeves told NBC station WCBD of Charleston.

The casket had been forced up out of the ground by the historic floods inundating the Palmetto state.

Tired of waiting for anyone else to do something — and with the family of the deceased grieving along with him — Reeves donned wading boots, walked out into the brown, waist-deep water and began pushing the casket back to dry ground.

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