Huntington Beach About To Break World Surfing Record With Giant $70,000 Surf Board


huntington beach record breaking surfing attemptOur primary tourist organization, Visit Huntington Beach has officially announced it is planning on breaking the world record for number of surfers surfing on one surf board.

They are working with two companies to finish the giant surf board that will fit over 60 people at one time. They just launched a contest in which surfers submit footage of themselves riding waves. The top 3 winners will be given spots on the record breaking surfing attempt, along with surfing legends from around the world.

MouldCAM has already finished the work on the new foam board, about 42 feet long and 11 feet wide. The board alone will cost the visitor’s bureau about $70,000.

Visit Huntington Beach is now planning on conduct the recording-breaking feat on June 20 to coincide with International Surfing Day weekend. To set the record, every person has to stay upright on the board for at least 10 seconds on a wave unassisted.

After the record-breaking attempt, the giant surfboard placed at the International Surfing Museum in downtown Huntington Beach.

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