New Dog Park Opens This Weekend in Rock Hill


new-dog-park-in-rock-hillThe newest park to open in Rock Hill is now K-9 friendly! Located close to downtown Rock Hill, Spencer Park offers a space that can be enjoyed by all. The park offers recreational activities such as basketball and a playground. All dogs and puppies will now also have a place to run and play at the new off-leash venue inside the park (Rock Hill now has a dedicated webpage for the new dog park).

Spencer Park includes nine acres of luscious tree lined walking areas and many other amenities. The new dog park shares these amenities with residents, children and many local athletes playing basket ball or just hanging out.

The park is currently open from Dawn until Dusk and the response so far this weekend has been nothing but positive! If you have any new ideas or suggestions for the park or something to share, you can Email [email protected].

Please share the good news! 


