Tends in tech which could shape the online world in 2020


Technology has been one of the fastest growing sectors in recent times as we all make the latest gadgets a part of our lives. The online world that has been created is vital to how we work and also how we have fun. Online casino play at sweeps cash casino shows this in action as does how we all use e-mails and search engines.

This constant innovation in tech is an ongoing process and that is certainly true as we head into 2020. But what trends in tech could we see this year which will shape our online world?

Could a trend to clean up the internet emerge?

There is no doubt that the internet and innovations in technology have been a positive thing for society. There have been rumblings recently though around some issues concerning online activity which may emerge as a key trend in tech for 2020. This seems to lie around more pressure being exerted on the internet and online platforms to crack down on cyberbullying, aggressive online behavior and the distribution of less than wholesome content. When Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who basically invented in the internet as we know it, is calling for this new trend to help reshape our online world into something better in 2020, you know it could well be big news.

A new era for the internet? 

2020 could also be the year that a new era emerges to shape our online world in terms of the tech that powers it. A big trend many are predicting to have an impact is the advanced roll-out of 5G network connectivity. With the race on between countries like the U.S. and China to have it in mass general use in their borders this year, it could greatly affect our experience of the online world and how we use it. 

In simple terms, 5G networks are designed to make digital internet connections work faster and to use less bandwidth. This means that any home or office which switches to 5G in 2020 should get much faster upload and download speeds with little lagging for viewing data on-screen. This could well take the internet onto the next level and make it a much faster and advanced place.

The distributed Cloud may come to the fore 

Another trend in tech for 2020 that is likely to shape our online world is the rise of distributed Cloud networks. We all know about standard Cloud computing and how it allows us to store documents online, access remote servers and share files with others over the net. The next big thing which will impact our experience of this will involve the public cloud being connected to specific locations around the world. This will be especially useful for business as this type of Cloud computing will offer decreased latency and faster online speeds. As a distributed Cloud set-up is essentially a tiny Cloud which sits outside the larger central Cloud, it puts the services closer to the end users. Expect to see more and more companies using this in 2020 as they take advantage of the extra security it also offers. 

Connected retail may be another trend to watch 

We all know people like to shop online and how tech in this sector has developed over time to shape our online experience as we know it. From AI, which helps to recommend products, to more sophisticated payment solutions, e-commerce is one industry in which tech has made big waves. Many people are now talking about connected retail in 2020 and you could see it mentioned more and more as the year goes on. This basically mixes a part of offline shopping with the online experience to change how we buy things over the internet. A good example of this idea in action is how you can shop online for shoes but then have them delivered to a location to be collected. Although this was seen in 2019, expect connected retail to shape how we buy things online even more in 2020.  

Online life will move on in 2020

Although it is always hard to make accurate predictions about the future, it is almost certain that we will see some changes in our online experience in 2020. Whether it is a drive to make using the internet a more pleasant experience or trends around Cloud computing, 2020 is set to be an exciting year.


