Top 5 Things to do this Memorial Day in Augusta


augusta memorial day service#1 Memorial Day Ceremony

The Georgia War Veterans’ Nursing Home will host a Memorial Day Ceremony beginning at 9 AM on the facilities grounds, with Lieutenant Colonel Peter Knight of Fort Gordon as the guest speaker. Music will be performed by the Signal Corps Band, and a flag ceremony will be conducted by the Post Ceremonial Detachment Color Guard.

#2 Augusta-CSRA 2015 Memorial Day Observance

The Military Order of the World Wars and Augusta-CSRA Veterans Association will host a Memorial Day Observance and Wreath-Laying Ceremony beginning 11 AM at the All Wars Monument. Colonel Servando Ramos Jr. and Dr. Gregory A. Francisco will be the guest speakers.

augusta memorial day ampitheaterThe ceremony will include bagpipe music by David Nichols, roll call of fallen service members, and a 21-gun salute by the Fort Gordon Installation Honor Guard.

#3 Augusta Concert Band Memorial Day Concert

Enjoy patriotic tunes played by the Augusta Concert Band at the Jessye Norman Amphitheater beginning at 7 PM. This is a community event that is free to the public.

#4 Sally League Baseball: Greenville Drive vs. Augusta Green Jackets

Cheer for the home team as they take on rival Greenville Drive at Lake Olmstead Stadium. General admission tickets start at $11, and the day’s promotion is Feed Your Face Monday.

memorial day cookout augusta#5 Backyard Cookout

A staple of the Memorial Day celebration is the backyard cookout, when family and friends get together to enjoy the freedom that countless military service members have fought to ensure. The event can be as large or intimate as desired, and is the type of activity that builds lasting memories and special bonds.

The weather forecast for Memorial Day 2015 is expecting a mostly sunny day with a high of 96 degrees. Take precautions against the heat by providing plenty of beverages and shade.



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