US Senate Approves $181.5 Million To Build Nashville’s New Courthouse


new nashville federal courthouseNashville is about to receive one of the largest and most state-of-the-art federal courthouses in America. A Senate committee has just approved $181.5 million to build Nashville’s new new federal courthouse building. The committee voted 16-14 to fully approve the funding.

The city has been waiting for federal funding for a new courthouse since the current complex was deemed inadequate in 1992.

The new courthouse is now planned for a 3.4-acre site at the southwest corner of the intersection of Church Street and Seventh Avenue North. It will be replacing the 57-year-old Estes Kefauver Federal Courthouse two blocks south at Seventh and Broadway, which has been outdated for decades now.

The new building will be designed as a LEED Silver rated building, with numerous passive and active features to mitigate its environmental impact. Its public face is designed to be open and inviting to the public, yet provide state of the art resistance to blast and other possible security threats.

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