10 Best Shots Of The Blood Moon Last Night


Last night the earth witnessed on of the most amazing lunar occurrences in modern history.

The supermoon (closest point of the moon’s orbit with the earth) combined with the bloodmoon (lunar eclipse) to form the extremely rare ‘superbloodmoon’ phenomena. Unfortunately, much of the world saw an unusual amount of cloud cover last night, but there were some dedicated photographers that went to extreme lengths to get some amazing shots.

Here are the top 10 taken last night;

Last night's supermoon lunar eclipse. Happy Monday?

A photo posted by Cory Vines (@coryvines) on

A photo posted by Jones Crow (@jonescrow) on

Lion cub and the supermoon eclipse photographed last night here in South Luangwa, Zambia #supermoon #bloodmoon #eclipse #moon

A photo posted by Will Burrard-Lucas | Wildlife (@willbl) on

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