The the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce has just announced that 25,000 new jobs are coming to the Charleston area over the next 5 years. The Charleston Chamber has just finished conducting a study to determine what type of skilled workers employers will need to fill all those jobs in the years to come.
“Workforce shortages are happening across the country. You’re growing faster as a region so you’ve felt that pain more, but people are finally realizing that workforce and economic development have to work together,” Avalanche Consulting Vice President Chris Engle said.
The Chamber released the findings at today’s ‘Competitiveness Summit’ held at Trident Tech. One of the main conclusions of the report was that our region is growing and job growth is strong, but the graduates being produced are not meeting employers’ needs, causing them to rely on recruiting out-of-state. This is especially true in the manufacturing, technology and aerospace sectors
The report was commissioned along with community groups and higher education institutions. The study worked to identify the region’s higher education gaps and aimed to determine not only where potential gaps exist between the output of local educational institutions and the skills needed by employers, but also how to fill both the short- and long-term demand for workforce skills in the Charleston metro region.
It analyzed the programs offered by higher education in the area and the needs that employers will have in the coming years. It also looked at how to fill the needs for educating workers.
This is incredible news to most local industries in the Charleston area as more and more businesses continue to move here.
If you would like to browse all jobs now available in Charleston click here.