Top 10 Reasons Hillary Shouldn’t Run For President


#10 She suffered brain damage while Secretary of State

This shocking story hit the news several times after Clinton suffered a blood clot in late 2012. Last week he told Fox News. “This health incident was so serious that she had to spend six months of really hard work to overcome the after effect of it … Her State Department PR apparatus said, ‘No, no, no, no problem, she’s over this in 30 days’ … and then she shows up with these fractal glasses that you have to wear if you got vision problems as a result of a traumatic concussion.”

#9 She actually faked the blood clot
According to this line of attack Clinton does not have brain damage because she faked the blood clot to avoid testifying before a congressional hearing about the assault by militants on the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans while she was secretary of state.

The US consulate compound in Benghazi under attack on September 11, 2012.The US consulate compound in Benghazi under attack on September 11, 2012. Photo: AFP

#8 Her Role in Benghazi

Many think hat immediately after the assault in Libya, the administration lied by saying it was provoked by an inflammatory film that was already causing riots across the region. Some Republicans believe that this was an example of Obama trying to reinforce his message that al-Qaeda had been largely defeated. Current evidence suggests that the attack was related to the video. Others blame Clinton for not providing adequate protection for the outpost. On the fringes of the conservative movement many believe unknown actors within the State Department ordered available US forces to “stand down” rather than defend the outpost. Some even believe Obama and/or Clinton masterminded the attack.

#7 She’s just too old

Think about how long ago her husband was president….if she were to win, she would be 69 before election day in 2016 and many opponents have emphasised this, noting that Democrats used age against John McCain and Ronald Reagan in their campaigns. Non-partisan commentators have raised the issues of Clinton’s age and health, speculating that if she eventually decides not to run, this would be the reason.

#6 She’ll want to be a grandmother

Ever since Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea, announced she was pregnant there has been speculation she might forgo her political ambitions to enjoy her grandchild. During her appearance in DC this week Clinton noted that many grandfathers had served as president.

Hillary Clinton ducks after a woman threw an object towards her at a conference in Las Vegas in April.Hillary Clinton ducks after a woman threw an object towards her at a conference in Las Vegas in April. Photo: Getty Images

#5 She’s a bad feminist

This is a point that has been made on and off since the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Many believe that in defending her husband and particular for criticising Lewinsky, Clinton revealed herself to be a bad feminist. This attack was revived in 2012 when it was revealed that some years ago a female Democratic senator, Claire McCaskill, had said of Bill Clinton in 2006: “I think he’s been a great leader but I don’t want my daughter near him.” This attack has already been revived this week after the revelations about the Clinton’s defence of the accused rapist.

#4 She might be in the Muslim Brotherhood

According to allegations by Tea Party-backed congresspeople including Michele Bachmann, the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the US government. In letters to government inspectors-general, their representatives named a long-time Clinton aide who was then serving as the State Department deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin. They offered no grounds for their suspicions of her.

#3 Vince Foster allegation
A former aide in the Clinton White House who committed suicide was actually murdered because he was having an affair with Hillary Clinton, according to former Indiana Republican congressman Dan Burton and Accuracy in Media founder Reed Irvine.

#2 UN takeover theory
According to former Bill Clinton aide and Fox News commentator Dick Morris, secretary of state Clinton planned a United Nations takeover of the internet, to be paid for by a secret tax on American billionaires.

#1 Her Lesbian claim

Hillary Clinton is a lesbian and her marriage is sham, according to the former editor-in-chief of The New York Times Magazine, Edward Klein, the author of The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll Go to Become President.

