Bluefield Residents Are Planning On Making Millions Off This Year’s Ginseng Harvest


Residents in the mountains surrounding the Bluefield region are preparing their picks and shovels for what many are hoping to be the biggest Ginseng harvest in history. The conditions this summer have been excellent for the ginseng plant and due to regulations over the past several years, ginseng growth is now at an all-time high.

The price of wild ginseng roots have also climbed dramatically in the last decade. Domestic buyers are now willing to pay between $500 to $600 per pound.

West Virginia Ginseng Season runs from September 1 to November 30 and diggers have until March 31 of each year to sell to a registered West Virginia ginseng dealer or have roots weight-receipted at one of the Division of Forestry weigh stations.

You can contact Robin Black at the West Virginia Division of Forestry for more information or any other questions – 304-558-2788 ext. 51764


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