Charleston Braces for Coastal Flooding Amid Full Moon and Major Storm Winds


The upcoming full moon coupled with onshore winds is set to bring coastal flooding concerns to the forefront over the next several days.

Earlier today, a moderate flood stage was recorded with a high tide peaking at 7.51′ around 7:30 AM, leading to a few road closures. While not all areas will be affected, notable trouble spots including downtown Charleston, parts of West Ashley, Mount Pleasant, and James Island are expected to face flooding issues.

The National Weather Service office in Charleston anticipates multiple instances of coastal flooding coinciding with each high tide throughout the weekend.

A significant concern arises from the sun and moon alignment, which is predicted to push the next few evening tides into the “major” flood stage category. This stage is reached when the tidal gauge in Charleston Harbor exceeds 8 feet, likely causing closures of low-lying roads across the peninsula and other regions of the Lowcountry.

Motorists are urged to steer clear of flooded roadways to ensure personal safety and to prevent saltwater corrosion damage to their vehicles. Additionally, individuals residing or working downtown are advised to opt for parking in elevated lots, as certain lots are prone to flooding during these conditions.

