Daddy/Daugher Make Viral Video Dancing To Taylor Swift


In just a few weeks this daddy-daugher duo from Aiken, SC has managed to attract over 6 million views on YouTube. While some fathers and daughters might read, watch a movie or play outside during their time together, Josh Rinder and his 4-year-old daughter, Audrey, decided they just wanted to “Shake It Off” by performing this parody video to Taylor Swift’s new song;

daddy-daugher-aiken-sc-shake-if-off-videoIt certainly didn’t hurt that the song Rinder and his daughter chose to dance to, “Shake It Off” has spent at least two weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart since being released last month.

Just like Swift does in the song’s video, Audrey had at least one costume change in her own “Shake It Off” video, including a cheerleader outfit with pom poms, just like Taylor Swift.

Here is the original video from Taylor herself (currently has over 100 million views);



