Groundbreaking For Historic $54 Million Apartment Complex in St. Louis Begins Next Week


st louis apartment complexOne of the most historic sites in St Louis is about to be reborn.

For 65 years, the three-story Manhassett Village Apartments — one of the earliest large modern apartment complexes in the St. Louis region — attracted some of the cities best and brightest. About 10 years ago, that complex was leveled to pave the way for something even grander.

After almost a decade of waiting, the official groundbreaking ceremony for the new ‘Evo Apartments’ is set for next week. It will be one of St. Louis County’s most ambitious projects in years. The initial phase of construction has an estimated price tag of $54 million.

Rents probably will range from about $1,100 to $1,900, and amenities will include a saltwater pool and cabanas and fourth-floor deck views of the Clayton skyline and the Gateway Arch, DiVito said.

The site will have spacious courtyards and large landscaped areas and woods, the company’s proposal also says.

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