Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Those Electric Scooter Mini-Segway Things


There is a new invention that’s both revolutionary and a little bit confusing.

It’s been shown on dozens of viral videos, and several celebrities have tested it out on recent interviews. Some names and ‘re-brands’ of this generic new device are the; Mini-segway, Hoverboard, Chic Smart 2-Wheel Self-Balancing Scooter, Swegway, AirBoard, Airwheel, Drifting Board, IO Hawk, PhunkeeDuck, MonoRover R2, Muzeli, Monsterwheel, Hyperwalk…

After watching at least a dozen youtube videos and reading countless reviews and comments, it seems that these little things are actually the real deal.

We were able to find a reputable seller with good reviews now selling the device on Amazon for $329.

You could also find them for as low as $200 on, but you’ll have to order them in bulk to get that price (minimum quantity of 10).

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