Lowcountry Braces for Hurricane Season: Get Ready During National Preparedness Week


With the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season approaching, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has declared May 5th to May 11th as National Hurricane Preparedness Week for the Lowcountry. Residents are urged to develop a storm preparedness plan well in advance.

Your safety plan doesn’t necessarily require long-distance travel; it could be as simple as arranging to stay at a friend’s house that is structurally sound and located further inland, away from flood-prone areas.

The Governor and state officials advise the following tips to make sure people are personally prepared:

  • Have multiple ways to receive emergency information, including watches and warnings. Make sure emergency alerts are enabled on a cell phone and download a weather app.
  • Have an emergency plan. Know where to go if there’s a need to evacuate. Make a plan to stay with family, friends or at a hotel. Public shelters should be a last resort.
  • In case of a power outage, make sure to have the following emergency items stocked in your home;

