The Largest Outdoor Festival In Bluefield’s History Starts Today


bluefield mountain festivalBe prepared to experience one of the most epic events that’s ever come to Bluefield. At this year’s Cole Chevy Mountain Festival, there will be tons of new rides, more animals, more exotic food choices, and bigger fireworks than ever before.

The festival opens today at 4pm at Lotito Park and will continue until the end of the month. One of the most exciting new attractions this year will be the new ‘High Swing’, which will launch riders over 120 feet into the air.

This year’s re-vamped attractions will include the famous Eudora Farms Exotic Animal Zoo, and The Marvelous Mutts, which highlights some of the most exotic dog breads in the world. There will also be dozens of new one-of-a-kind events, contests, and specials.

For a full list of attractions, rides, and schedules, check out the 2015 Cole Chevy Mountain Festival page on the Bluefield Chamber of Commerce site.

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