Top 21 Most Awkward Sleeping Cat Pictures Ever


Cats are some of the most carefree creatures in the world…and some of the laziest.

Here are the top 21 greatest and laziest sleeping cat positions in the history of the world.

#1 Simon Says

Funny Sleeping Cats


#2 Half-moon

Funny Sleeping Cats


#3 Sleeping Sit-Up

Funny Sleeping Cats


#4 Sun Bathing

Funny Sleeping Cats


#5 Spooning

Funny Sleeping Cats


#6 Train

Funny Sleeping Cats


#7 Special Delivery

Funny Sleeping Cats


#8 Greedy

Funny Sleeping Cats

#9 Floating

Funny Sleeping Cats


#10 True Warmth

Funny Sleeping Cats


#11 Playing Dead

Funny Sleeping Cats


#12 Roll-Over

Funny Sleeping Cats


#13 In Jail

Funny Sleeping Cats


#14 New Ingredient

Funny Sleeping Cats


#15 Drying Off

Funny Sleeping Cats


#16 Stretching

Funny Sleeping Cats


#17 Sleeping on The Job

Funny Sleeping Cats


#18 Non-Conformist

Funny Sleeping Cats


#19 Yoga

Funny Sleeping Cats


#20 Advanced Yoga

Funny Sleeping Cats


#21 The Married Couple

Funny Sleeping Cats

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