Top Reasons Why New York City Is Better Than Hong Kong


New York is quite an amazing city, being the biggest, and certainly most famous in America, there are countless things to experience in its surrounding islands, parks, restaurants, and attractions. Hong Kong is similar in scope and renowned, being the economical capitol of the east. Both cities have the neon signs, day and night activities, and constant movement of people, but which city is “better”?

#1 Age – Wealth – Education



When comparing GDP (gross domestic product), New York City @ $1280 Billion annual production is significantly higher than Hong Kong’s $351 Billion annual production. The level of GDP is one of the most common indicators how rich and productive the city is. (Source: Wikipedia, 2014)

New York City has a total of 18 universities, compared to only 16 in Hong Kong, and has a younger overall population, at an average age of 35.5 years old, compared to Hong Kong’s average age of 41.7 years old. (Source: Wikipedia, 2014; city’s official stats, 2014)


#2 Eating Out



Food in New York City has 3 major advantages;

Authenticity – New York has a much more impressive array of authentic ethnic foods – in Hong Kong, Korean food is weak (even being made by Koreans). Mexican food is awful. Pizza is a joke.

Portions – Much larger in New York – there are far more opportunities to share a meal. If you can’t finish it, take it home! Meals in Hong Kong are more often single person servings.

Variety – The majority of restaurants in Hong Kong are Chinese and Japanese, but New York has authentic Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Indian, Asian Fusion, Middle Eastern, Moroccan, American, Turkish, Italian, Mexican, Jamaican, West Indian, and anything your heart desires.


#3 Breathing Room



If you were to spend 1 week in New York City, then 1 week doing similar things in Hong Kong, you’d certainly feel more ‘cramped’ in Hong Kong. Primarily due to population density being so much higher in Hong Kong, real estate spaces in general are built much smaller and come with a higher price tag in Hong Kong;

Cost per Square Foot – According to Citihabitats, the average price of a luxury apartment in Hong Kong is $11,000/SF, almost three times the cost of similar space in New York City at $4,100/SF.

Population Density – People per Square Mile of ‘usable’ Land – New York City –  28,923 / Hong Kong – 81,727


Additional Resources

Travel – if you’re planning to visit New York City, Click here for the top deals currently offered at If you’re thinking about traveling to Hong Kong, Click Here to see the latest deals for local hotels.

Moving/Investing – interested in buying real estate in either New York City or Hong Kong? Check out Realty For Life for the top rated real estate agents in both cities, or in anywhere else around the world.

Entertainment – Want to enjoy a night out in the Big Apple, Click here to see the latest shows and concerts, or if you’re in Hong Kong, Click here to see what there is to see and do

