Cabarrus Arts Council Giving Away $49,600 To A Dozen Local Organizations


Cabarrus-Arts-Council-buildingNow that Concord is officially the 7th fastest growing city in America, there is increased desire for music and the arts, as well as increased funding. The Cabarrus Arts Council has just given away a record $49,600 to 12 community organizations to expand their artistic endeavors.

Six of the groups were specifically art-centered organizations, including; the Cabarrus Art Guild, the N.C. Music Hall of Fame, the Old Courthouse Theatre, the Piedmont Choral Society, the Piedmont Prime Time Community Band and Southern Piedmont Woodturners.

The other six additional organizations were larger entities, but had substantial art projects, including; Concord Downtown Development Corp., “Union Street Live!” concert series and Spring into Arts festival, Town of Harrisburg, new concert series, Hospice and Palliative Care of Cabarrus County, Interlude music program, City of Kannapolis’ summer entertainment series, Logan Community Child Development Center, music lessons for children, and Multicultural Community Student Union, African drumming program for 60 children.

The Arts Council has been distributing grassroots funds in Cabarrus County every year since 1982, but this is by far the biggest, and they are anticipating that the amounts will continue to grow each year going forward.

Any nonprofit arts organizations and other charitable agencies that integrate arts programming into their services are eligible to apply for the grants.

For more information or to apply for a grant see the Cabarrus Art Council grant webpage.




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