Hurricane Katrina and Rita Victims May Receive Share of $20 Million


Katrina_payout-comingHurricane victims from New Orleans may soon receive payments for flood damage caused during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, coming from a $20 million settlement that was reached in 2009 with the East Jefferson, Orleans and Lake Borgne Basin levee districts.

After two groups of attorneys who represented plaintiffs in the settlement are paid approximately $3.5 million for costs and expenses, and the claims program is paid another $2.4 million to $3.5 million for administration fees, about $14 million will be left to be distributed to claimants.

The exact amounts given to individuals will be determined by each claimant’s status as either a resident property owner, non-resident property owner, or renter; single or a family; and whether a property had no flooding, less than a foot, 1 to 2 feet, 2 to 4 feet, or 4 feet or more.

Those who were affected by either Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Rita can now apply for benefits and find out more about the settlement at





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