New Binghamton Start-Up That Sells ‘Green Paving’ Now Expanding


green-pavingA new ‘green paving’ business, founded by Binghamton locals Zeljka Roksandic and Robert Gerard, is now showing incredible signs of growth. The business is headquartered at 123 Court St., where it distributes and sells recycled plastic grids for ‘green’ surfacing. They recently donated a total of 320 square feet of their product to create an access path at Columbus Park in the downtown Binghamton.

The husband and wife team moved to Binghamton (a week before the 2006 flood) from California where they were much more used to eco-friendly products and business practices. When they discovered how things were done in the northeast, they decided they wanted to promote positive change and offer businesses and municipalities ‘greener’ options.

Let’s do something like they have in Europe,’ commented Zeljka, ‘We found some product that America doesn’t have. Let’s do something about it.”

They are currently focused on doing a tremendous amount of outreach right now to get the word out about their products and benefits.

