Plane Bursts Into Flames At The Nashville International Airport


plane on fire in Nashvillenashville plane catches on fireA Delta airplane at the Nashville International Airport caught on fire yesterday morning in front of a stunned airport.

The SkyWest plane was about to take off to Cincinnati. Moments after the engine turned on, the fire began.

Delta officials described the event as a series of flames instead of a ‘sustained fire’.

The plane “experienced a brief flame upon engine startup, which immediately dissipated. There was no fire and no emergency was declared. Technicians are evaluating the CRJ-200 aircraft and customers have been re-accommodated on alternate flights,” remarked Delta spokesman Michael Thomas.

Dozens of passengers and witnesses caught photos of the flames and posted to social media.

The flight carried 50 passengers and three crew members and there were no reported injuries.

It seems that it was more of an inconvenience than a real danger for most people involved – although that most likely won’t calm the nerves of most passengers who are already afraid of flying.


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