Sealed Air Corp. Building New Global Headquarters in Charlotte, NC


sealed-air-coming-to-charlotteCharlotte is about to house the headquarters of yet another Fortune 500 corporation and receive an influx of almost 1,300 jobs to a new campus to be built in southwest Charlotte.

Sealed Air Corporation (NYSE:SEE) just announced that it will be establishing a new global headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina. The $7 billion company will be relocating its headquarters, research & development facilities, and corporate offices to a modern, state-of-the art, environmentally-sustainable campus to the Steele Creek area of the Queen City.

They are anticipating almost 1,300 jobs to be relocated to Charlotte from its current headquarters in New Jersey, as well as most of it’s employees from its facilities in Saddle Brook, New Jersey; Danbury, Connecticut; Racine, Wisconsin; and, Duncan and Greenville, South Carolina.

“We are confident Charlotte will provide a great environment for us to operate and grow our business moving forward. This move will contribute to a stronger, one-company culture that will enable greater collaboration, efficiencies, and better use of our investments in people and new technologies,” commented Jerome A. Peribere, President and CEO of Sealed Air.

“We considered numerous criteria in making our decision. We believe Charlotte’s many attributes, including its solid economy and its reputation for business friendliness, technology and innovation, make it an ideal place for our employees to live and work,” Peribere also remarked.

“North Carolina’s business-friendly climate continues to attract corporate headquarters to the Charlotte region, we welcome Sealed Air’s senior executive team, division and line managers and staff to the Queen City where they will find big city opportunity with a great quality of life.” replied North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory.

About Sealed Air Corporation

“Sealed Air’s business is about protecting things – what we eat and drink; the valuable goods we ship; and the places we shop, learn, work, vacation and receive health care. It’s a responsibility we take very seriously, for our customers and for the world.

Today, we are the global leader in food safety and security, facilities hygiene, and product protection. Customers all over the world look to us for global infrastructure, expertise, inventive culture and sustainable practices.”

  • Approximately 25,000 employees
  • Net sales of $7.6 billion (2012)
  • Operations in 62 countries with distribution reaching 175 countries
  • 145 manufacturing facilities
  • 56 Labs/Research Facilities
  • More than 500 scientists and engineers
  • More than 1000 equipment and application experts
  • 4,600 patents
  • More than 9000 trademarks

– data from the Sealed Air Corporate Website

