Today’s Cubs World Series Celebration Is Officially The Largest Gathering of People In US History


cubs celebration largest in history

According to Fox 32 in Chicago, the estimate for today’s Cub’s World Series Victory Parade and Rally was roughtly 5 million people. This makes it the largest gathering of people in US history, and the 7th largest gathering in recorded human history.

Today’s victory celebration even topped the unprecedented anti-war march in Rome, back in 2003, that topped 3 million people.

Here are the top 10 biggest human gatherings in history:

1. Kumbh Mela pilgrimage, India, 2013 – 30 million

2. Arbaeen festival, Iraq, 2014 – 17 million

3. Funeral of CN Annadurai, India, 1969 – 15 million

4. Funeral of Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran, 1989 – 10 million

5. Papal gathering in the Philippines, 2015 – 6 million

6. World Youth Day, Philippines, 1995 – 5 million

7. Chicago Cubs World Series celebration – 5 million

8. Funeral of Gamal Abdel Nasser, 1970 – 5 million

9. Rod Stewart concert, Brazil, 1994 – 3.5 million

10. Hajj pilgrimage, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, 2012 – 3 million

What an incredible time to be a Cubs fan!

