National Weather Service Issues Wildfire Warning For Bluefield Region


The National Weather Service has just released an official wildfire warning for the Bluefield region and most of West Virginia.

According to the alert, warm, dry conditions and gusty winds have increased the chances for wildfires in the region. Any outdoor burning is considered extremely dangerous.

The statement says residents should be aware of heat and sparks while operating equipment and avoid smoking in wooded areas.

Outdoor burning will only be allowed between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. now through May 31 and limited to brush, leaves, yard clippings and other vegetative materials.

Residents could faces fines and even jail time if a fire they started escapes and causes a wildfire or forest fire.

State law requires a safety strip or ring at least 10 feet wide around outdoor fires to prevent them from spreading into woods. Outdoor fire extinguishers and/or fire hoses are also recommended for frequent outdoor burning.

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