Over 3,600 Marijuana Plants Destroyed By Local Bakersfield Police


thousands-of-marijuana-plants-destroyed-in-bakersfieldThis week the Kern County Sheriff’s Office send units out to the Caliente-Bodfish mountain area to destroy large marijuana grow operations.

Detectives were led to the illegal grow sites after receiving tips from several local property owners in the area, who saw signs that led them to believe marijuana growers were active in the area.

Once the grow sites were discovered, officers eradicated over 3,600 marijuana plants that were located in numerous gardens in the area.

As well as eradicating thousands of marijuana plants, personnel cleaned the grow sites by removing several truckloads of camping equipment, food, chemicals and pesticides, and truckloads of various other pieces of growing equipment.

The marijuana was then flown out of the grow sites by helicopter and disposed of.

